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博彩网址大全心理咨询中心的使命是促进心理健康 使用全面的健康方法促进博彩网址大全社区的健康和发展 透过社会正义的镜头.  

Wuller大厅 exterior shot on a sunny day

UCC位于埃克尔坎普中心上方的乌勒大厅二楼 for Campus Ministry (just west of the Clock Tower). 一旦你出了电梯或者 staircase, make a left and follow the directional signs.

通过建立文化流畅、循证的精神健康治疗方法, 我们的中心旨在创造一个安全和共情的环境,尊重个人 and collective identities and experiences of all students. 我们的目标是提供 肯定和富有同情心的关怀,在整个校园可见的存在,和一个 在更大的福祉生态系统中公认的合作伙伴-为学生的成功做出贡献.


博彩网址大全大学咨询中心的工作人员交谈,预约咨询时间, 或提出任何问题,请致电我们的主要电话号码314-977-8255 (TALK)或使用 我们的在线调度程序.


博彩网址大全所有符合条件的学生都可以免费获得咨询服务, including those in full-time, part-time, graduate, law and medical programs. 服务 在线学生/远程学习者受实践支配,有时受实践限制 各州的标准和法律. We offer 博彩网址大全 students a variety of treatment options 为了满足他们的需求:

  • 大学咨询中心提供传统的、预定的、面对面的和虚拟的 任命.
  • 我们的24/7行为健康护士分类线仍然为学生提供服务 consultation anytime by calling 314-977-8255 and pressing option 9.
  • 对于喜欢方便远程医疗预约的学生,您可以访问 我们签约的远程医疗公司(MDLive)安排咨询会议. 博彩网址大全 支付这项服务的大部分费用,学生只需支付15美元的课时费 没有额外的账单保险. Call 314-977-8255, press option 9 and ask to schedule a virtual appointment with an MDLive counselor.
  • 鼓励喜欢通过短信讨论个人问题的学生发短信 “HOME” to 741741 to access a counselor for on-demand assistance.
  • 对于喜欢与校外辅导员见面的学生,您可以博彩网址大全的 护理 manager for help finding a local referral.
  • 如需电话预约,请致电我们的主要电话314-977-8255 (TALK) 然后按下选项# 0(零).
  • 长者护理中心可于办公时间内亲自预约 协调员shonay Kimmins. Our office is on the second floor of Wuller大厅 on the 北校区.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
  • Your initial consultation appointment will typically last 30-50 minutes.
  • You will be asked to complete several forms.
  • Your provider will recommend treatment and follow-up options.
  • 在某些情况下,你可能会被转介给医生和/或精神科医生作为你的一部分 护理.
至少提前24小时致电314-977-8255 (TALK)取消或更改预约.


如果你或你认识的人在处理压力事件方面有困难,圣人 Louis 大学心理咨询中心 is here to help. 在正常营业时间内, contact us at 314-977-8255 (TALK) or visit the clinic. 营业时间是早上8点.m. to 5 p.m. 星期一至星期五 在 academic year or 9 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 在 暑假. 



大学咨询中心为任何符合条件的学生提供支持服务 谁可能有一个非常困难的时间来管理情绪,应对悲伤 and loss and/or dealing with the impact of a traumatic incident (e.g. 性侵犯/人际关系 暴力).

危机服务也被设计为与正在经历危机的学生一起工作 或精神健康紧急情况,破坏功能和/或导致感觉 or behavior that indicate the intent to self-harm or harm others.

针对那些表现出高风险需求、行为和/或自杀/杀人倾向的学生 一名UCC临床工作人员/临床研究生助理将立即会面 with the student for a crisis support session. 这些会话可以在 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 星期一至星期五.


在正常工作时间以外(包括周末和节假日)学生发生危机 有几个选择:

  • Call 911 immediately if you are facing a life-threatening emergency
  • 如果你或你认识的人现在需要帮助,请拨打或发短信988联系自杀者 而危机的生命线,还是来探望 988年的生命线.org 在网上与某人聊天
  • 联系 your resident advisor or residence life professional staff
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000
  • 咨询大学心理咨询中心24/7行为健康护士分诊热线 by calling 314-977-8255 and press option #9.  Information about this service is explained 下面.


这条分流线由远程医疗公司Fonemed运营,为学生提供即时服务 access to a behavioral health nurse for routine and crisis assistance 24/7.  范围 分诊线的目的不是提供即时咨询,而是评估病人的表现 concern and advise a student on what to do. 想要与 有执照的心理健康专家可以要求连接到MDLive -这 是否会安排学生在稍后的时间进行虚拟咨询预约 (一般在24-48小时内).

对于紧急安全需求,护士会指示来电者拨打911, 博彩网址大全公共安全部门或前往最近的急诊室进行全面 安全评估.  For routine needs, a nurse will offer self-help suggestions and refer the student to an appropriate level of 护理 if that is indicated.

  • 自杀和危机生命线:988
  • Behavioral Health Response (BHR): 314-469-6644 or 800-811-4760
  • SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital: 314-577-8000
  • 生命危机服务:314-647-4357
  • National Hopeline Hotline (English and Spanish): 1-800-784-2433
  • First Call for Help Hotline (English and Spanish): 1-800-492-0618
  • The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ support): 1-866-488-7386
  • BlackLine (Black, Black LGBTQI, Brown, Native and Muslim community):1-800- 604-5841
  • TransLifeline 1-877-565-8860

For Those Concerned 关于 a Student in Distress

如果你在校园生活或工作,你可能会遇到有心理健康需求的学生. You can take steps to assist and refer them to helpful resources.


识别学生处于困境的警告信号并不需要特殊的训练 或专业知识. It does, however, require an awareness of symptoms. 不是每个人都会 directly state that something is wrong, but language and behaviors often do. 看 以下方面的变化:


  • Shows up for an event or class but leaves early
  • Makes excuses to avoid social opportunities
  • 似乎和别人没什么关系
  • 经常逃课
  • 整天呆在房间或床上
  • 避免眼神接触


  • 意图伤害自己或他人
  • Expresses a hopeless or negative outlook
  • Blames self or others for mood/behavior
  • Speaks in a confused or disorganized way


  • Appears agitated, depressed, "checked-out," uptight or on edge
  • Neglects personal hygiene or appearance
  • 酗酒或吸毒
  • 体重明显增加或减少
  • Increased sleep or inability to sleep nearly every day
  • 注意力不集中

不要害怕问“怎么了??或者“发生什么事了??“简单地问问题 won't create a problem where there isn't one. 不要低估……的重要性 听. Without doing anything else, you are providing the support that could help a student feel heard and understood, maybe for the first time. 面对面的交流 在可能的情况下是最好的,但是任何(e.g. email, text) communication is better than none.

  • 注意
  • Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal language
  • 传达一种接受的态度.g., try not to judge or dismiss the person)

Express concern in a calm, non-judgmental way.  提供同情和正常化的话语 他们的困难.  Let the student know that you are present for them and that you will help connect them with the proper support.

给他们空间和时间来分享他们的感受,而不是告诉他们“停止哭泣”。 或者“这没什么大不了的”. Instead, use phrases such as, “ It is okay for you 分享和表达你的感受,”“我能看出你正经历一段艰难的时期,” 或者“我很担心你,觉得你可能需要一些额外的支持。.”


请记住,与正常生活事件作斗争并不总是需要咨询. However, if the situation is causing a severe reaction (e.g. 这个学生似乎 (正在走下坡路或功能不正常)或者已经持续了超过 a week or two, then a referral to counseling may be appropriate.

大学咨询中心的工作人员在这里提供帮助、指导和支持. 如果你想咨询工作人员如何处理学生的担忧, 拨打314-977-8255 (TALK).


  • Review the warning signs above to determine if any apply to the student. 相信你的 own intuition even if there are no identifiable signs.
  • 如果你对学生的安全有直接的担忧(你认为他/她可能会造成) 伤害自己或他人),留在学生身边,并致电公共安全部门 314-977-3000或911.  Calling 988 is also an option for those struggling with thoughts 自杀的.
  • 如果它不是危及生命的情况,但你仍然担心,你可以参与 DPS和/或陪同学生定期到大学咨询中心 营业时间.


  • 联系 the student's resident advisor or residence life professional staff
  • Speak to on-call campus ministry staff at 314-630-9197
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000
  • Consult with an on-call UCC staff member at 314-977-8522 (TALK)


  • Encourage the student to make an appointment directly if possible. 你可能想要 帮助他们拨打电话,在预约时等待,甚至步行 with them to the 大学心理咨询中心.
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